Start your first Social media ad: Where to find your audience?

When you are starting a social media ad campaign, the first question that pops into your mind is which platform would you choose for it?

But here comes the question, do you start by determining the platform? And if yes, then how?

In fact, you can’t go straight into choosing the platform unless you go through systematic steps, by understanding the business and their objectives, and study the target persona, by knowing the target persona habits, which platform they would use, you can start deciding on the platform.

To make better-informed choices, you need to understand what type of audience uses each social media platform.

Where to find your social media ads audience

1-      Facebook

Well, almost all age groups use Facebook, and you can use it for all business objectives.

One of the merits of Facebook advertising, that the targeting is extremely detailed, from a specific street to a specific mobile user, payment behavior, and a wide option of interests.

It is an ideal platform if you’re targeting different age groups, and it is more popular with people older than 25 years old.

Facebook audience of different ages and genders

2-      Instagram

Since Instagram ads run on Facebook platform, it has the same advantage of detailed targeting.

But considering that Instagram is a visual platform, with its vivid photos, stories, and videos, it attracts millennials and generation Z, and it's more common with females.

Instagram is ideal for any business that likes to showcase their products, like beauty, fashion, e-commerce, and travel, especially if the campaign objective is Brand awareness or engagement, and the advantage of using Instagram influencers.

Instagram audience mainly females who love to shop

3-      Twitter

Twitter is the home for trends, where everybody goes to see the latest news in politics, technology, and sports.

It is also common between millennials and Generation X (25 years and older), with a majority of male users. With Twitter being known for being the father of hashtags, its ads can target using hashtags or by a certain topic. Also, businesses commonly use it for B2B marketing.

Twitter famous of hashtags for following updates in news

4-      TikTok

We have seen how TikTok went off the charts during the COVID-19 lockdown; it went viral between generation Z and recently started to attract millennials.

When you hear TikTok, you think of fun! With short creative videos and challenges that go viral, this is the way to go when advertising on TikTok; an ideal platform for Brand takeovers.

TikTok audience mainly among tweens

5-      LinkedIn

Well, when you hear LinkedIn, you can't help but think of a man with a suit and a tie in a business meeting!

It is one of the largest platforms for recruiters and job seekers; that is why it is an ideal place for B2B marketing, where you can reach decision-makers in companies.
LinkedIn ads for sure enables it, with detailed targeting by company size, job, and even advertising through a direct message through the In-mail feature.

LindkedIn audience is for buiseness

After having an overlook between different social media platforms, what would you like to know more about ads? Write in a comment what do you want the next post to be about.


-          Social Media Advertising 101: How to Get the Most Out of Your Ad Budget

-          Social media demographics to inform your brand’s strategy in 2021

-          Comparison Chart for Choosing Between Top Social Media Sites for Marketing


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